At "My Name is Climate," we believe in the power of unity and advocacy for a sustainable future. Our organization is dedicated to spreading awareness about climate change, human and animal rights, social and environmental issues, and the critical interconnections between them. We strive to be a beacon of change, fostering collaboration between individuals, policymakers, and activists to address pressing global challenges.

"Empowering Change, Preserving Harmony"

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Our mission

Our mission is to promote the personification of climate to every individual, urging humanity to take climate issues seriously. By humanizing climate, we aim to instill a sense of responsibility and urgency in addressing climate-related challenges. Through innovative projects and collaborations, we work towards a more sustainable and harmonious world.

Our vision

We envision a future where every individual recognizes the significance of climate as a living entity and actively participates in preserving the environment and promoting social justice. By fostering a culture of awareness and action, we aspire to create a world where people and the planet coexist in balance and harmony. Join us in our journey towards a sustainable and thriving future for all.

Our Projects

  • Promoting Climate Personification: Our first and foremost mission is to promote climate as a person to every individual, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging climate as a living entity that deserves our care and attention. By humanizing climate, we aim to encourage a deeper understanding and urgency in addressing climate-related challenges.

  • Film Festival: Our film festival showcases documentaries and films that shed light on animal rights, human rights, social issues, and the mental health impacts of climate change.

  • Water and Air Pollution Awareness: Through educational campaigns, we raise awareness about the detrimental effects of water and air pollution on our environment and health.

  • Community Engagement: We promote environmental consciousness in communities through physical activities like tree planting and neighborhood cleanups, fostering a sense of responsibility towards our surroundings.

  • Art and Culture for Climate: We leverage art and culture as powerful tools to spread awareness about climate change, encouraging artistic expressions that ignite conversations and advocate for sustainability.

  • Sustainable Business Support: By providing assistance and guidance, we empower business owners to adopt sustainable practices, contributing to a more environmentally friendly and socially responsible business landscape.

Join us in our mission to create a better world for current and future generations, where harmony between people and the planet is preserved. Let's make a difference together!

flags on green grass field near brown concrete building during daytime
flags on green grass field near brown concrete building during daytime

Our team

Lalit Bhusal

Filmmaker and Founder/CEO

Mansoor Zahid

Project Coordinator and Advocate of clean street

Carmen Capuano

Event Host, Author and Screenwriter

Jackie Staite

Ex-biology teacher and advocate of green energy, clean water, and animal rights.

Jan Terwel

Biology teacher and nature photographer and Advocate of plant more tree

Amrita Tewari

Biologist and advocate of plant-based food

Join our passionate team at 'My Name is Climate' Our team is dedicated to humanizing climate change and advocating for animal welfare and human rights impacted by environmental issues. We invite advocates, advisors, and volunteers worldwide to join us in creating a sustainable and compassionate future for all beings on our planet. Together, we can raise awareness, drive change, and make a positive impact on the environment and the well-being of animals and communities around the world. Join our team today and be a part of our global movement for a greener and more inclusive world.



Philip Bennion

Advisor, Politician


Advocate of clean water

Shahid Ali Parhiyar

Advisor, Marketing


Public Relation Advisor

Sarah Turner



Together we strive to bring the best of meaningful cinema to our audiences, celebrating the power of storytelling and the transformative impact of film.

Through these collaborations, we aim to inspire, entertain, and provoke thought, creating lasting memories and meaningful connections for all who attend our festivals.