Best Film on Climate Change
Best Film Award:
directed by Ludwig Schramm, Rosa Pannitschka, Martin Winiecki, Isabel Rosa Zabou, Emily Coralyne Bishop
-Courage from Nature: The Story of Sepp Holzer
Directed by Zach Weiss, Raleigh Latham
Audience Award:
-DOCUMERICA, self-portrait of a nation on the brink
-Whale Call
Directed by Ron Goodlin
Jury Award:
-Disaster Theories - Our planet in flames
Directed by Dimitris Tzetzas
-Made in Europe, from mine to electric vehicle
Directed by Stijn van Baarle
Honourable Mention:
-Here is the SOS
Directed by Maxence Gross
-Heal - Rewilding
Directed by David W Renton
-Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops
Directed by Susan Gray
-Northern Performance
Directed by Juuso Koivisto
Best Film on Animal
Best Film Award:
-Where do frogs come from?
Directed by Hannes Rohtma
Audience Award:
-The All Is One
Directed by Tobias Schönenberg
Jury Award:
-Atoll in the heart of the wild life
Directed by Marc Emmanuel Louvat, Kiri Lacinnik, Mako Lacinnik Lacinnik
-Salmon Secrets
Directed by Jeremy MATHIEU
Honourable Mention:
-Tribute To Freedom
Directed by Charlotte Wendt, Philipp Silbernagl
-Shark Teeth Don't Have Roots
Directed by Fang Zhou
-How YOU Can Save Wildlife
Directed by Skylark Media, Viva!
Best Film on Human Issues
Best Film Award:
-Where Olive Trees Weep
Directed by Zaya Benazzo, Maurizio Benazzo
Directed by Adam Bellamy
Best Film on Men Abuse
Directed by Sandy Singh, Ravi Prakash Dubey
Audience Award:
-The Mountain Wagtail
Directed by Begaly Nargozuev
-End2End Relay
Directed by Nathalie Grace
Jury Award:
-Inherited Shame
Directed by Fruzsina Skrabski, Sándor Kiss
Honourable Mention:
-Black, Queer & Done
Directed by Nyasha Daley
-The Shadow Pandemic
Directed byPaola Ghislieri
-Corruption on Earth
Directed by Omid Mirnour
Best Film on Social Issues
Best Film Award:
-MathMoms - where children come to learn
Directed by Gerald Schank
-Prostate, Men, let's talk
Directed by Wayne Nelson
-Memories of a Forgotten Childhood
Directed by Lars Smekal
Audience Award:
-Cookster The Darkest Days
Directed by Stephen Edward Roach
-Light My Fire
Directed by Farid Ismail
Jury Award:
-10IronWomen Breaking Down Barriers of
Long Distance Triathlon
Directed by Josh Williams
Honourable Mention:
-WordLotto - Pilot
Directed by Johnny Baca
-Housing Rights Films - KAIROS Women+
Directed by Vilte Vaitkute
Best Film on Mental Health
Best Film Award:
-Seb, A Surf Therapy Journey
Directed by Matilda Thompson
Audience Award:
Directed by Patryk Wezowski, Kasia Wezowski
Jury Award:
-The Tales of the Blue Sky
Directed by Vruir Tadevosian
Honourable Mention:
-What I will not forget
Directed by Inez Kort, Eva Dullaart
Directed by Behdad Esfahbod
-Course of Conduct 'Gemma's Story'
Directed by Jenni Herd, Claire Dean
-Solo Peaks
Directed by Jacob Chambers
-From the Dark
Directed by Erika Sanz
Directed by Wayne Nelson
-Work Life
Directed by John Lukey