Activity: Mapping the Bay of Bengal's Influence on Nepal's Floods

Objective: To help Nepali students understand how the Bay of Bengal and climate change contribute to extreme rainfall and flooding in their country.


  • Large sheet of paper or poster board

  • Coloured pencils or markers

  • Ruler

  • Atlas or online map of Nepal and the Bay of Bengal (e.g., Google Earth)

  • Images of recent flood events in Nepal (optional)


  1. Geographic Foundation:

  • Draw the Bay of Bengal and Nepal, including the Himalayas.

  • Label key features: Bay of Bengal, Nepal, Himalayas, Kathmandu.

  1. Air Current Visualisation:

  • Draw a large, curved arrow from the Bay of Bengal towards Nepal.

  • Label it "Warm, Moisture-Laden Air" (red/orange color).

  • Add smaller arrows to show air circulation within the main arrow.

  1. Rainfall Depiction:

  • Over Nepal, draw rain clouds or use a blue color gradient to represent heavy rainfall.

  • Label this area "Extreme Rainfall Zone" or "Flood-Affected Region."

  1. Mountain Interaction:

  • Show the Himalayas forcing the warm, moist air upwards using rising arrows.

  • Explain how this uplift causes cooling, condensation, and rain cloud formation.

  1. Climate Change Connection:

  • Add a text box explaining how climate change intensifies this process:

  • Warmer temperatures = more moisture in the air = heavier rainfall

  • Increased glacier melt = higher river levels

  • Disrupted monsoon patterns = unpredictable and extreme rainfall

  1. Impact Visualisation (Optional):

  • Include images or drawings of flood-affected areas in Nepal.

  • Show damaged homes, flooded streets, and landslides.

  1. Call to Action:

  • Add a section with suggestions on how students can help fight climate change:

  • Reduce carbon footprint (conserve energy, use public transport, etc.)

  • Advocate for climate action

  • Educate others

  • Support organisations working on climate solutions (e.g., My Name is Climate Foundation)

Research Resources:

Teacher's Role:

  • Prioritise this project to raise climate change awareness.

  • Provide resources and support, including lesson plans and materials.

  • Organise workshops or training sessions on climate change education.

  • Highlight the urgency of the issue and connect with local experts/NGOs.

Discussion Points:

  • How does Nepal's geography make it vulnerable to floods?

  • What are the impacts of these floods on people and the environment?

  • How can we prepare for and mitigate the effects of climate change in Nepal?

  • What role can young people play in addressing climate change?

Extension Activities:

  • Research the impacts of climate change on other aspects of Nepal's environment and society.

  • Create presentations or videos to share knowledge with others.

  • Organise awareness campaigns or events in their communities.

This activity empowers Nepali students to understand the link between climate change and extreme weather events in their country, encouraging them to become informed and engaged citizens who advocate for climate action and a sustainable future for Nepal.

After the Activity:

  • Share your work!

    • At the bottom of your map, write #mynameisclimate along with your name, age, class, and school name.

    • Take a clear picture of the entire map and a separate photo of you holding it.

    • Share both pictures with My Name is Climate Foundation.

  • Reflect on your learning:

    • In a few words, tell My Name is Climate Foundation what you learned from this activity.

Why share your work?

By sharing your maps and experiences, you'll help:

  • Raise awareness about climate change and its impacts on Nepal.

  • Inspire other students to learn about climate change and take action.

  • Show the world that young people in Nepal are concerned about climate change and are taking steps to address it.

My Name is Climate Foundation will publish selected student work on their social media platforms and in their newsletter, giving your work global visibility and amplifying your voice in the fight against climate change.

Activity Produce by- My Name Is Climate Foundation


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